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Lynn Turck morningstarjl@earthlink.com
I am a member and a lurker, I haven't posted in months, but I have
received good advice in the past so here goes...my 8 yr old Arab mare,
myself and a bunch of rider friends camped this weekend. We were at the
horse park in Ocala, Fl and used the stalls. I rode her Fri., and Sat.
She is in endurance condition.Sunday morning she came up lame. Home we
went and I iced her fetlock area. I noticed a round red spot on the
coronet band with what looked like a pin hole in the middle. By Monday
the swelling was down and by Tuesday AM, no swelling, and she trotted out
fine. The question is, Could it have been a bee or spider bite? Would
that cause swelling throughout the fetlock area and cause her to look like
she had a grade 3 lameness? I appreiciate all imput, Thanks, Lynn Turck
AERC #21675
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