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Fwd: RC: Barefoot/verses steel

Hi Kat: Thanks for you analytical post on barefoot verses steel shoes. 
Mankind has relentlessly experimented with hoof protection for the horses 
that they ride. Vision the huge Armies on horseback from years gone by. 
Mankind will keep looking for something better because there must be 
something better. Bye Hope
>To: <>
>Subject: RC:  Barefoot
>Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 01:08:39 -0700
>Having ridden an assortment of horses both in endurance and in training
>barefoot, with shoes,
>and with assorted protective boots over the last ten years.
>Here is what I have found (understanding that most of my riding and
>training has been done
>iin the Desert southwest).
>Realistically speaking, no matter how "conditioned" a horse's foot is for
>rocks, hard ground,
>gravel, etc., even a horse with the best feet in the world cannot compete
>barefoot in endurance
>more than 50 miles about once a month.
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