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Re: RC: Re: Heat & Human electrolytes & Diet
In a message dated Sun, 23 Sep 2001 8:17:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Bob & Amber Roberts <mlaboure@ntws.net> writes:
> I've read that ice tea is dehydrating. Drinking that instead of plain
> water probably contributed to the problem.
Depends on the strength. I drink it VERY diluted, with a bit of lemon in it. And it does not cause problems when consumed with other foods. And, I've "cheated" with potato chips and other salty foods in the past with plain water, too, and get the same effect. Drinking sports drinks (even greatly diluted) in hot weather leaves me heaving behind the bushes.
My point is that not all people are the same (ie Beth's excellent advice regarding the difference between hypoglycemia and diabetes), so what works for one may not work for another. Our horses are also individuals, with a great deal of variation in their eating and drinking behavior, their efficiency with electrolytes, etc. Some have pointed out that you don't know what is really going on with your horse without bloodwork--very valid, but I know that my horse that HAS had bloodwork done at rides has been near enough normals that I'd hate to try to fix what ain't broke. On the other hand, I am well aware of horses that need really large quantities of lytes to even stay reasonably healthy at rides. The point is to get to know YOUR horse, and not to dose lytes just because so-and-so does it that way.
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