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Quicksilver Fall Classic Ride near San Jose, CA
The Quicksilver Fall Classic will be held Oct. 20, 2001 at a new location - Henry
Coe State park - south of Morgan Hill, Ca. The ride is put on by the Quicksilver
Endurance Club of San Jose.
Henry W. Coe State Park is the largest state park in northern California,
spanning over 81,000 acres. Once the home of the Ohlone Indians, the park has
a fascinating variety of oaks, manzanita, grasslands, as well as wildlife such
as deer, wild pig and turkeys.
Some of the spectacular views you will see as you ride up to Wilson Peak are
the Palassou Ridge rising up from Coyote Creek in the northwest, Fremont Peak
some 20 miles or so south, the snowy peaks of the Sierra Nevada to the East,
and Monterey Bay glistening in the sun to the southwest.
More information on the park can be found at
The ride will have a a 30 mile LD and a 50 mile endurance ride with Melissa
Ribley as the Head Vet. Steve Lenheim is the ride manager.
A MS Word Entry form and flyer is located at
Come and join us in a great ride on Oct. 20.
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