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Fw: nueroma
I had really painful nueroma's in both feet for
several years. I used to run competitively, and it pretty much ended my
running for awhile.
Looking back, I believe it all started when I had a
bad fall on the ice and knocked my pelvis out of place. I did visit a
podiatrist about having surgury, but am wary of such invasive procedures in
general, and had many people warn me against it.
I finally found a very good PT who gave me a series
of exercises to do to get my hips working correctly again. No kidding,
after doing these exercises religiously (at least 1 hr a day for 6 weeks) I was
so much improved I ran an 18 mile race in the mountains a few months
later. Sometimes I'll notice my hips starting to feel weird, and I know
its time to start my exercises again.
This has all but cured my nueromas. I still
have a large callous on one foot where it used to bother me, but that is slowly
going away.
I'd recommend looking into a biomechanical cause of
this. I tried orthotics, helped very little, and have had cortisone for
other injuries (wouldn't do it again) - it helps but it is temporary - maybe a
few months.
Best of luck!!
ps I also tried accupuncture and got alot of relief
as long as I had regular treatments. But then my accupuncturist moved and
I tried 3 others and didn't have nearly any relief from their treatments -
so make sure you find a good one!
pss as far as riding goes, I find the EZ ride
stirrups are comfortable for me, and I have cagea on them which allows me
to put my foot in deeper and is MUCH more comfortable
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