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RE: Re: Where does the UAE stand?

Actually, while that is very much the public face, it is also true at least
in Egypt, that it is something of a matriarchy. This gives women of a
certain age quite a freedom of movement should they choose to take it....and
almost every Egyptian man responds instinctively to that "Have you cleaned
your room yet?" mother-voice, a fact that has been most useful in various
The concept of teamwork, however, does seem to be missing from most
marriages here, although both men and women bemoan the lack.

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Cairo, Egypt

It is my understanding that Muslim women are looked at in a very different
manner than we look upon ours in America.  It's a MAN'S world over there,
not based on capability but on status, which is definitely different.  Don't
know enough about it to speak with authority.  I couldn't really adapt to
their view of women; I'm much too independent and believe too strongly in
the equality of people (including sexes).  I was raised in a family in which
my parents were a TEAM, not a superior and a subordinate.  Same with my
marriage, and I've been married for 51 years to the same man.


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