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Where does the UAE stand?
Angie McGhee Rides2far@juno.com
>very difficult point. Have been thinking about that since the attack
>I saw a lot of people from the UAE the weekend before at the Juniors
World Championships in Spain. BTW, Sheikh Mohammeds son, Hamdan, was the
there. Where had been the US-riders???
Where were the sheik's DAUGHTERS?
>>I really have my
doubts that Dubai is involved.
Never meant to insinuate that they would intentionally participate
in terrorism...as I said, they have obviously welcomed us over
there and thus put theirselves on the radical's "bad list" for
doing so. Just wondering if they happened to be one of the
countries the U.S. suggested may be paying money to the radical
just to be left alone.
>>> Grandchildren of
the Abu Dhabi Sheik are among the leading riders.
>>>> But don't blame a whole country for such
I never intended to and apologize if it sounded as if I did.
From everything I've been told "our" sheiks have been the best
of hosts. I'm just trying to sort out all the different
groups in my mind and wondering where the UAE fits in. I
honestly wondered if their friendship with us endangered them
in any way and if they were going to have to make any lifestyle
changes if they have to choose sides.
On the subject of the Junior World Championships...I don't think
I care for the idea and it really doesn't interest me. I think
the junior program should be focused on building a relationship
with a horse, not so much racing. Granted, I do have my daughter
in the points race and we're competitive, but winning it will
just be an added bonus. It wasn't really our goal. I want her
to learn to enjoy the trail and how to read her horse. She's
learning to be an endurance rider right now. If she wants to be
a racer someday we'll save that for when she's older. Kids have
no fear. They don't understand the consequences of going over
the line and are bound to be a little reckless. To make it even
worse they have softer hearts than we do. The thought of my
child having to deal with an over ridden horse is too much. If a
child actually does learn to live with that...what kind of kid are they?
On the subject of "daughters". I've got to admit that I can't
enjoy the Endurance World Magazine because it irks me so bad that
there are SO many women in every photo except those of the
Middle Eastern teams. Where are their wives? Daughters? The men
are having an awful lot of fun...you can't tell me there aren't
just as many horse crazy girls there as anywhere else. It's
just wrong.
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