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Search and Resue

I was a member of a TROT Search and rescue team in MD for five years.  There are requirements for your horse but the main  requirement is your training.   SAR is not a fad.  It is hours, weeks and months of training.  It is classroom learning of management and organizational structure, map and compass, first responser emergency medical care, mission coodination, radio operations, disaster training, rescue techniques, tracking,  personel survival, Etc.  Most important of all -you are a team member following orders.  You can do only what you are told to do.  

There are weekend of looking for black sox hidden in the leaves, measuring footprints, getting to designed compass points  and waiting for orders.  It is always having your gas tank full and your trailer loaded.

For your horse.  They must be quiet, able to be tied for hours to a trailer, have helicopter land close by, fire engine and police cars pull up with lights and siren and walk slowly for hours through any terrain.  Plus any other tests the examiner devises.
Is it worth it?  YES!!!!!! Pat O

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