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Re: Re: hunting season

i am told that hunters are mostly out at dusk and dawn as that is when the deer move around the most.. except on a full moon when they jump infront of my vehicle when it is going 65 mph.  Mary Ann, Tx
----- Original Message -----
From: superpat
To: Mike and Kathy Kelly ; Ridecamp
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 6:07 AM
Subject: RC: Re: hunting season

>So, what do you all do to keep you and your horse safe during hunting season?  <
I keep off of trails that are within hunting limits. This means that I have to confine my riding to our city park and the hills and trails above the city. Luckily we have miles of trails.
In short, though, many of the riders whom I know give up their favorite riding trails to the hunters during hunting season. Too bad, as the weather is usually ideal during this time.
Wearing a loud bell and carrying on a running loud conversation, wearing bright clothing are all good ideas but the only sure way to protect your horse is to keep him/her out of the hunter's sights.

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