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RE: What's Normal?

Thomas Friedman writes for the Editorial/Opinion page of the New York Times.
His books are indeed in English and published in the US. He's an American.
You can access the NY Times online at I don't always
agree with what he says about things but his experience gives him an
interesting viewpoint...and he usually manages to piss off almost everyone,
so he must be doing something right. If you use you can find
access to almost any newspaper in the world. One of the things that I missed
most when I came to Egypt was my access to the news...which I used to get
from the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting System) and the BBC. We used to listen
to the BBC all the time in the car and at home, and when the internet came,
the news services were the best. I can read English language newspapers from
all over the world now.

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Cairo, Egypt

-----Original Message-----
From: Beth Gunn []
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: What's Normal?

I have been wanting to respond to your post here for days.  First, my good
whishes go out to all of us, to you and to your daughter in NY.  I read your
posts to get real input from a real person:) and fellow rider on this
delimma.  Have you read your friend, Friedman, books?  Are they printed in
English?  My husband loves reading history and now I, too, am trying to "get
educated".  Would the books be available here?
Thank you for all your input
Best Wishes and Ride Often!
Beth and Clann Gunn
South Carolina USA

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