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Re: RC: Re: Muscle Tie-Up/Question?
If corn oil is not desired .. try Uckele COCOSOYA oil 8.95 gal 29.95
5 gal - but costly to ship --SO do a large group buy and save on
shipping costs.. look at www.uckele.com 800 248 0330
This tuff is stabilized - and I dont have to worry about Ca/P ratio
Been using this for years .. however I have cut back on the very high
fat %9-10% to a better balanced level of 7-8% .. or just look at the
body score and feed fat as they indicate they need it or to those that
are worked harder.
AS Susan indicated some of these high fiber high fat endurance
performance feeds are all you need.
I did not see anyone suggest a Se blood test .. I use to this years
ago, did have very low levels. I believe this caused many of the
muscles cramp and stiffness my horses experienced. While I never had a
full tie - I did get a run of cramps on more then one horse.
I feed a VitE/Se supplement powder type to all for general maintenance. For the
workers I use MEGA-SEL. I read in the HORSE - research has indicated
OUR horses require much higher levels of Se then was established by
NRC. I have feed 2x the std dose per day for about a week or so,
normally the week before a ride. Then for a few days after - then back
to the standard powder product.
So dont rule out a Se problems.
That said - it does sound like 'excitement based' tieup to me.
SG> 4) You're not feeding it as anything other than 'flavoring' during a ride,
SG> as the fat content slows down gastric emptying.
Found out about this the hard way .. When I was into the high fat
feeding many years ago .. I mixed the elytes with corn oil and also gave
lots of it with the grain at the VC - oil that is -- of course the oil stopped
the up-take of the elytes - horse dehydrated DUH .. We stayed at
the VC for about an hour in the water -- creek drenching with many
syringes of water -- she bounced back and we finished (OD50 - one of
those HOT years)
Roger R
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