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DM vent pads -- special sizes
I wanted a Dixie Midnight vent pad because taking the foam pieces out of my
Skito pad, to be able to wash it, is such a pain in the #*^. I ride in a
SportSaddle, so the velcro'd openings of the pad have to be at the front
edges instead of along the spine. Not very large openings, though it is
better on my new Skito pad than with my old one.
My Skito measured 29" pommel-to-cantle and 39" stirrup-to-stirrup. The vent
pads, however, come in 30x36 (standard size) and 30x60 (dressage size) --
with a big price difference between the two.
Having reluctantly decided that I needed the dressage size, I e-mailed Karl
and explained my problem. He told me that I could have the size I needed
(30x39) for the same price as the standard size. Since he makes them
himself, I guess it wasn't a big deal to him, but I certainly did appreciate
And I *love* not having a wet, filthy fleece pad after a ride. Now, I just
rinse the vent pad the same way I do my tack!
(who is not associated with the company in any way -- just wanted to let
folks know what I learned)
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