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Re: Re: hunting season

----- Original Message -----
From: superpat
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 11:12 AM
To: Mike and Kathy Kelly; Ridecamp
Subject: RC: Re: hunting season
>So, what do you all do to keep you and your horse safe during hunting season?  <
I keep off of trails that are within hunting limits. This means that I have to confine my riding to our city park and the hills and trails above the city. Luckily we have miles of trails.
In short, though, many of the riders whom I know give up their favorite riding trails to the hunters during hunting season. Too bad, as the weather is usually ideal during this time.
Wearing a loud bell and carrying on a running loud conversation, wearing bright clothing are all good ideas but the only sure way to protect your horse is to keep him/her out of the hunter's sights.
With all respect to Pat, I do not do this.  I refuse to do this.  I will not acquiesce to the hunters.  I wear a bright Orange T-shirt (Go Gators) and I make a lot of noise.  I am allowed to ride where I do, even during hunting season, and I do so.  Technically speaking the hunting season can last from late Sept to early May, the months where it's great riding weather down here.  I will not give up a day to the hunters.  Besides, I like chasing off the deer, telling em where the hunters are hiding.  And if a silly hunter asks me if I saw any deer, I always lead them in the wrong direction.  A deer just reminds me too much of a horse, and I don't care if there are too many of them. I won't be the one who kills Bambi's Mom.
I think that it is a mistake to be afraid of the hunters, as long as you have a right to ride your horse in the same area during the season.  PA lost it's riding rights on horseback to the hunters; I would be so angry if I still lived up there.  I'm angry about it now and I live 1200 miles away.

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