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Re: Help, anybody?

It could be he is in pain somewhere, or anticipating pain. I have a gelding that used to have EXACTLY the problem you described. Here's what I found over the years that made a huge difference in his performance.
1) Changed from riding in a bridle with ultra deluxe brakes to a bitless bridle (I know this is going from one extreme to another, but reverse pyscology seemed to work on this horse --- the nicer/gentler the better results :)).
2) I had found out years later that this horse had chronic heel pain (navicular). He had contracted feet, and would almost constantly point one or the other front feet. All the ride vets, including my own, kept telling me that is just the way he is, and don't worry about it since it did not seem to cause him noticeable pain. When shod he would plow right threw rocks, and everything on the trail as if his feet were numb or something. After pulling his shoes, and doing a proper trim, (and now a year later) he is a totally different horse. He is mellow, relaxed, watches where he is going, and the anxiety he used to express has greatly diminished to almost none at all. And oh, his feet have decontracted and he no longer points his front feet.
3) The more rides and miles we did the more relaxed, calm, cool collected he became. Maybe try for longer distances of 75 miles + or multi- days.
Good Luck,
----- Original Message -----
From: K Ellis
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 5:50 AM
Subject: RC: Help, anybody?

Hi everyone, I live on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. My experience is mostly CTR and in the last couple of years I have tried endurance and I'm hooked.  I have only competed in 50s but would one day like to try 100.
I  have a new horse, pb arab, sweet natured, 12 years old, good drinker, calm at vet checks, good recoveries (as far as he has been tested), great attitude, however, he is VERY forward and strong.  I have only had him for 3 months so it's early days but I am getting nowhere.  In fact, the fitter he gets, the harder he is to control.  He has to be in front.
When is he behind, he jigs and cross-canters with is head in the air.
I have been taking some lessons and getting back to basics. He has no rythym to his trot.  He will not stay at one speed.  He is always trying to go faster.  His walk is very fast.  His canter is really comfortable.  However, he just wants to get where he's going as fast as he can.  He does not seem nervous or worried, just loves to run.  He is bold and not spooky at all.
I realize at 12 years old I can't change his make-up and perhaps he will always be "racey", but any ideas on how I can get him to listen to me so that I can pace him safely for his own good?   I have seen posts with suggestions of "lots of wet saddle blankets" which is good advice, but the more miles I put on him and the fitter he becomes, the more this behaviour seems to take over.
I realize he is not listening to me.  He listens a LOT  better in the ring, but I still have to work at it.  He's not frightened.  I believe he truly loves what he is doing.  He is worse when he's behind, but still does it in front so it's not the "herd leaving me" thing.
Any ideas anyone?
Even when I ride him on his own, he still wants to go fast, although not as chargey.
I love this horse.  He is very, very smooth.  A dream to handle at checks.  I just feel miserable about being on his face so much.  My trainer has told me to give him lots and lots of leg pressure to push him into the bit, but he is still heavy and avoiding the bit.

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