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IntNewsGroup: Kind words from endurance friends around the world.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael and Sharon Foss []
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 11:02 AM
To: Lori & Rick Stewart
Subject: A kind call

   Tuesday found me glued to the TV in disbelief. How people could be this way is beyond my understanding, but I know history is full of examples of hideous acts. Fortunately, life has even more abundant acts of kindness. I wish to share one of these with you, since it comes from the Endurance community.
   Wedensday morning I received a phone call from "Down Under". John Stevenson, of Repora, New Zealand, called to express concern and condolances. He said, " I have met so many of you from the US that I just had to call and let someone know that we are very sorry and was thinking of you. It is already affecting NZ and I just can not imagine how it is in the US." He ended the call on the note of "See you in Spain!" 
    This is an example of the real value of International riding and how we can do our small part to make the world a better place. The more friends we make around the world, the harder it will be for terrorists to survive and succeed.
    Take a moment and call someone who would appreciate hearing your voice.
Mike   More... 
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Baird []
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: IntNewsGroup: You can be of help

Hi Lori:
I just received the following message from our friends in Brazil who leased horses for the Pan Am.  Could you please post it to the international news group list serve?  Thanks.
Brenda Baird
For Kevin and Brenda :
    We are chocked with the reacent facts ocurred in USA . Receive our sorrow and transmit our solidariety  to all    endurance friends ..
                                                      Pedro e Gina.

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