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alfalfa n enteroliths

Tina Rushing,
Sorry so late replying.  Thank you for your post with lots of good info from your archives.  My youngsters are now 16 mos and 2 1/2 yrs.  I feel it is ok to back off feeding alfalfa at all.  I was only supplementing my bermuda and timothy grass hays so they woould get sufficient protein and calcium.  In reading Susan G.s post, other research venues, feel comfortable with their feeding programs.  Now the work continues as we aim to clear heavily wooded high(sand and pine forest) and low (moist loving shrubs/grasses--toxic stuff) land to pasture ( natural grasses plus bahia-not very nutritious but very hardy and low maintence). 
Driving my poor husband crazy!  Cut that red maple and wild cherry tree out of there!  Cannot not even have a leaf laying around.  My pasture craving horses will go nuts and eat everything in sight!.  They  already eat every scrap of bark off the sweet gun trees...sticky mess in manes, tails, on necks!  Ewwwie
Beth Gunn

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