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US Disaster Aside for a moment please!!
Debbie Zanot darkcat5@yahoo.com
All of us are stunned by this disaster and basically we as individuals
can't roll up our sleeves and get in there and do something to help like
we all feel the urge to do. We can however send money where it is needed,
like the Red Cross etc.
This disaster is a wake up call for all of us who have been
to "busy" with our lives to care about what is going on around
us in that "other world" of politics and big government.
We must remove ourselves from the emotional fall out and stand back far
enough to realize that at this point in history we are very vunerable as a
nation. This is the perfect situation for
"The New World Order" gang to move forward and take possession
of our country.
Sounds like a Sci-Fi story but Jerry Fruth you can help out here to shed
light and sense at to what is happening to our public land access. You
understand the big bizaar picture.
It goes something like this.
1992 Rio De Janeiro Earth Summit: UN Conference on Environment and
Developement called for a Global Biodiversity Assesment of the World. 179
nations including the US signed for this "assessment."Out of this meeting
came the UN Biodiversity Treaty.
1994 In September the Senate refused to ratify the Biodiversity treaty
when it discovered that its "binding protocols"mandated the implementation
of the "wildlands project"
in order to conserve our "biodiversity"
No problem for our former President Clinton..He issued many EO's
(executive orders) to over ride congress, and to implement the many facets
of Biodiversity Treaty.(all more scarey tahn you could dream)
1996: EO 12986(January 9,1996) Is the one that has to do with
the "Wildlands Project" to transform at least one-half of the surface area
of the continental U.S. into a vast "eco park" purged of modern industry
( like logging, etc) and private property,,,,and of course our access into
these sacred biodiversity areas...
Our Department of the Interior which is in control of all our Public lands
is under the obligation now of this treaty that was illegally over -ridden
by EO 12986 to comply with its standards.
THAT is WHY every state in the USA is undergoing radical changes
in how it "manages" its lands. IF they do not comply they can be
sued by...the International Union for the Conservation of Nature
and Natural Resources(IUCN) which "police" these agencies...
Non-Governmental Organizations (hense -forth known as "greenies")
the police men of the earth...Sierra Club, Friends of Earth, PETA, on and
on and on the lists go and EACH state in the USA
has these backers funding projects such as is going on now in
my state of Pennsylvania...the developement of a "Heritage Park"
that will encompass 15 counties almost 1/3 of PA.
Where we had the Elk Valley Ride is the "Core" of this lovely
Heritage Park that will be in 5 years off limits except for "Nature
tourism" which is basically a few Federally owned "visitor areas" where
"elk veiwing" and "birding" are suitable activities that fit
nicley under the umbrella of "nature tourism".
new revised "management plans" you will slowly begin to get the picture...
Want information on Heritage Parks and Biospheres?
www.nps.gov/maca/WORLDHRT.HTM All this info on what I am talking
about is readily available to the public.
While we are all watching sex scandals of our former Pres. he was very
very busy writing EO's to change our lives.
What can we do??? Go to our elected officials with the facts and confront
them...make them accountable and make them realize that they must undo
these executive orders and get out of the UN.
and return our public lands to the public where it belongs.
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