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Barb Peck
Barb Peck

My copy of Nastradamus's predicitions is so cryptic, that
many different interpretations can be made from each passage.
 These predictions have been translated and rewritten many times
thru the eons, like many modern books many religons follow
literally today. I also have the Tibetian Book of the dead,
which is equally hard to read.
 No one who is aware of history, or current world events needs
a crystal ball to be able to fore tell the future... as history
tends to repeat itself.
 I suspect that if survivors of the reign of Attila the Hun, or of the
laval flow of Pompeii, had a copy of his predictions, they would also have
applied them to their situation and maybe called them a revelation.
 This particular terror is in our lifetime, and now in our back yard, and
I hope we (and the world) are swift and accurate with
our response.
 It's not the end.

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