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RE: Re: Terrorist Attacks
And Jim has seen only a part of what I have seen. Starting with the Spanish
Civil War where family friends were causalities, to the second world war
where many young soldiers passed their last night in the USA at our home
(and I emphasize LAST as many did not return) to the Korean War (only a
police action for we who were involved, not a real war), to the many I knew
who went on a trip to Viet Nam and those that returned completely changed
(and not for the better) And most of you are familiar with all the small and
short actions of recent times.
This latest action stirs many of us, many of us United States Marines and
proud of it. We all would volunteer, not out of necessity but out of pride
that we are Americans, American Marines. But Jerry at 61, Jim most likely
not to far behind and myself almost old enough to be their father, This
affects us no less than the younger more impressionable persons. Most likely
more so since we have had the experience of actual war.
Remember , the tears are for the living.
Bob Morris
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Holland [mailto:lanconn@tds.net]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 8:06 PM
To: C. Eyler; Ridecamp
Subject: RC: Re: Terrorist Attacks
Consult your hisory and do your homework....name ONE militry conflict
where there have not been civilian casualties. This is "WAR" against
our country. Consider the fact that the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki caused untold caualties...but it saved thousands of American
lives. It was the "right" thing to do. Do you think the Kamikaze attacks
of WWII were justified? Or Japanese aggression against Pearl Harbor?
What about those innocents? How about the Jews in concentration camps?
Would you give YOUR life to protect the "innocents" of other
countries??...I doubt it. I mourn for them, too...but until mankind
becomes "civilized" worldwide, it is a fact of life. Do YOU have a
better suggestion? What's YOUR solution? I don't think "Turn the Other
Cheek" will work, do you? If YOUR relatives and friends had been in the
World Trade buildings would you feel the same way? If this country were
to be invaded and your relatives were killed and you were beat and raped
would you feel the same way?
I assure you the countries of Europe in WWII did not feel that way. You
desperately need to join the real world and adjust your attitude. I said
that I wouldn't comment again on this subject, but your ignorance and
stupidity overcame my resolve.
Jim, Sun of Dimanche, and Mahada Magic
"C. Eyler" wrote:
> > By the way, I would never "lump" terrorists into any particular
> > religion. Hoever, I do not oppose making a parking lot out of any
> > country that supports them, be they Muslims OR Christians.
> Those terrorists took out their anger (at the actions of our government)
> thousands of innocent civilians. And you're talking about doing the same
> thing to the innocents of another country.
> Cindy
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