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nervous horse
patti recoe gene@d
I have a four 1/2 year old mare. She has started acting very jumpy on the
trail and has spooked and spum hard on me and dumped me. I am feeding her
50/50 pellets of bermuda alfalfa and about 5 pounds of orchard,timothy
hay. (I'm thinking about putting her on only orchard timothy.) I was
wondering if there are any herbs or vitamins that would not compromise her
energy that I could give her. I don't want to DRUG her just take the edge
off. I feel that it's hard to get in good conditioning time when she is
spooking and looking for something to jump at.Sometimes she is ok. but
then the most of the time she is stomping, jumping, spinning or anything
else she can do for no reason. I ride her Monday, wed, Fri, on on a
regular basis for no less than 3 hours each time. And if I have a chance
to ride more, I do.
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