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Re:What we want
Let me clarify something. When I say you are
preaching to the wrong choir, I mean that the people on ride camp already know
of what you speak. (They know everything) The members that need to be informed
and brought up to speed are the majority. You know, the ones who are the most
represented at the rides. The backbone of endurance. The LDer's. Not that
they don't read EN, but up until the past few years, they were not really
supported nor acknowledged as endurance riders. However, they are and have
always been the largest group at any given ride. They come to get a good days
ride, camp, enjoy time with the family and support the sport. Don't you
know there are plenty of LD riders that would love to see some things change.
And believe it or not, a lot of them know plenty about the sport and where it is
headed. Most of them stay in the LD because they just want to ride and they
certainly don't want to see money in the sport. They are very concerned about
trails and places to camp because that is a major draw to the sport for them.
There is old blood and new blood in LD and they are willing to help.Just
ask. They also might have some extra time because they aren't spending all
weekend trying to get in that 60 mile training ride. The more I read your
comments, the more I am with you. I am just not sure where to start. I'll vote
for you Bob, if that is what it is going to take. By the way, I have written
letters to AERC in the past without so much as postcard in return. E-mail has
been answered. Lisa Salas, The Odd fARM
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