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Re: Curb Bits

>My definition is the same as yours;  if it has a shank and a chin strap,
>it is a leverage bit and therefore a CURB bit, REGARDLESS of the type of
>mouthpiece!!  Just because the mouth piece is JOINTED DOES NOT make it a
>snaffle bit!  When tack companies started hiring non-horse people to
>write their descriptions of bits, this, somehow, got really skrewed up. 
>The Tom-Thumb snaffle is NOT a snaffle, it has shanks and don't try to
>break a colt in one, please, please, please.  Renie
Amen!!  Thank you, Renie.  This bit works for some horses in some very
*limited* situations (and only with VERY experienced riders), but it is
ranked amongst the highest in the "bit severity" category.  Don't be fooled
into thinking that the name "snaffle" attached to this bit makes it a kind,
gentle bit for a green horse.  I've even seen people use a martingale with
it -- and that nearly sends me into orbit.  I have a burning urge to use
that get-up on the human responsible but would probably be put into jail.
<g>  At the very least, it lowers my respect for them as horsemen a whole
bunch of notches!


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