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Re: RC: Water

On Sun, 9 Sep 2001 07:25:01 -0700 writes:
> It may be that Rae has informed the owner that she is going to water
> the horse like any other horse and will continue to do so as long as
> the horse is on her property, and is just glad that the owner isn't
> around very much to complain.
   That's basically it.  The owners are very hands off and have basically
turned their horses over to me for care.  They don't know a whole lot and
got a crash course in what can go wrong with the last place they left
these horses.  Apparently from April to August (when I picked them up),
the owner had not seen her horses at all and was completely stunned to
find both of them looking like a rack of bones while the horses that
lived on that property were nice and fat.  I feel that those people did
not feed their "boarders", even though they were being paid to do so, and
just let them live off the pasture. (which was obviously inadequate).  
These two horses have been slowly and steadily gaining weight since
they've been with me and when their owner does come out, we do discuss
the care - or basically, I explain what I'm doing and my goals for their
horses and she nods her head.  I have never changed a feeding program or
an exercise program for a boarder without their knowledge.  I wouldn't
like someone doing that with my horse, so I don't do it to theirs.

Tall C Arabians - SE TX

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