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Generators , Solar Panels

I know this subject has been beaten into the ground; I would like some info
on invertors, I would also like info on Solar alternatives pro's con's I
think you folks will know the drill.  Please  e-mail me privately @

I have a (bad word) generator. And to tell the truth it seems to be more
trouble than it's worth.  I would like to put an inverter on my truck with
maybe 2 or 4,  850amp deep cycle batteries. My question is does anyone have
experience using an inverter, and maybe solar panels to recharge the
batteries ?  Hooked to an inverter and let's say, I want to run a coffee pot
and maybe a few lights and if I get really bored maybe my TV, (I can plug it
into the cigarette lighter though)  Any suggestions?

Thanks much
Pat Allen
Just for "Horsin-Round"

Remember "America Stops without Truckers"

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