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Heidi said...
<<<Yes, the sensational cases always get "reported."  Just like on Ridecamp, or anywhere else.  And a sense of outrage about the wrecks is healthy.  But one must also keep them in perspective--how many thousands went without incident, compared to that one?  Just like how many endurance riders went to rides last weekend and did an outstanding job of keeping their horses properly rated, fed, hydrated, etc., and had good luck, and got completions?  But we discuss ad nauseum the one that had a disaster.  That's human nature.  And it doesn't imply that the system is flawed.  What would be tragic is if the wrecks were commonplace, and hence were not news.  That doesn't mean we should not study them and try to prevent similar situations in the future--nor does it mean we should throw the baby out with the bathwater.>>>
Amen, sister!!  You go Girl!!
Laura Hayes #2741

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