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Re: RC: RE: Temple/transport/slaughter
Anyone who doesn't want to send their horse off to slaughter but feels that
euthanasia is the only option has a couple choices. One - have the vet
come out and put the horse down, call the knacker and have them haul the
carcass off (can't be used for meat because of the drug used to put the
horse down). Two - shoot the horse, take the carcass and butcher it for
dog food (or have a butcher do this for you). Grind everything, have the
bones cut into doggie treat size and freeze the meat and/or give it to dog
owning friends.
Personally I think the latter is the more honorable use of a horse that one
cares about. It seems hard to find anyone who will butcher a horse though.
Lif Strand
Quemado NM USA
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