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Re: hydration from Barb Peck
Just a thought from observations, Barb. Your horse
could just be marking ground. Especially if he is weeing very little. My colt
(not gelded) will pee 2 times in 15 minutes when I bring a stranger (human) near
his stall sometimes. Not always, just sometimes. He is 16 months old now and
when he thinks he is going to be boss for a moment, he will walk the pasture and
wee in 2 or 3 different places. Now I have seen the geldings walk behind him and
pee in the same spot as if to say "No, I don't think so you punk!" I have been
riding one of my geldings and when they smell a poop pile they will stop and pee
on it. All of my geldings are completly gelded, no crypts, no partial. So even
if he is gelded, he may still have the "urge" to own things. My male cats were
nutered very young and still to this day, the 21 year old will spray. Go figure.
Or your boy could have a huge bean and pees more often so it is less
painful. I just went through this with one of my geldings. I felt bad but I
really hate cleaning sheaths. I did promise to do it more often. Or maybe, that
is just how he is. Lisa Salas, The Odd fARm
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