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Re: Re: Re: cancer and greys
She is 15yo. I've had her, hmmm, going on about three years. When I got
her, she had a couple of smaller-than-marble size lumps on the underside of
her tail. About eight(?) months ago, they started growing like crazy. I
put her on the citimidene in July. She got 6400mg/day for 30 days, and is
on 3200mg/day for 30 days, and my instructions say the maintenance dose is
1600mg/day for life. You are supposed to be able to stop the treatment
after 30 days of maintenance. I think that would be in the case of starting
the medicine, seeing improvement to a point, then, basically, holding steady
with no further decrease of tumors. The three months of treatment has cost
me about $400. The hardest part was the initial 30 days, medicating four
times daily. I think a lot of people would have a difficult time getting
that done.
FYI, what I am concerned about., most people would not notice at all. You
can't see them at all unless you LOOK to see if they are there. My concern
was not so much their size, at this point, but their rapid growth.
Becky Huffman, Cleburne, Texas
----- Original Message -----
From: Beth Gunn <happyhoofprints@hotmail.com>> Becky,> How old is your mare?
grey too? How long has she had tumors? Dose times per> day?> Beth Gunn>
----- Original Message -----> From: Becky Huffman <tos@htcomp.net> > yes,
this is what I am giving my mare... I am paying a little over a $.50> > per
pill ....800-whatever the unit of measure is.> >> > she has had significant
reduction in the size of the tumors during the> three> > months she has been
on it.> >
> > ----- Original Message -----> > > Cimetidine?? OK, somebody jump on me
if I'm wrong (not dragging the
> > pharmacy books out here)--but as I recall, it is a histamine blocker
that> > works in the stomach and small intestine to help stop the process
that> > causes ulcers. Why on earth it helps equine melanoma cases, I don't
think> > anybody knows, but there is pretty good evidence that it either
reduces or> > causes remission in a significant number of cases.> > > >
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