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reactions to cuts, etc (from Barb Peck)

Barb Peck
Cindy wrote:
Could this be just genetics or is it possibly a form
of low resistance, no antibodies or a shortage of some kind of mineral

From Barb Peck

It could be any one of those things, or something else entirely.
In any case, something is awry with her immune system.
 You may see weird reactions from vaccines as she gets older.

I'd start with the easy stuff first (well.. not so easy really)
and go over her diet with a fine tooth comb to make sure she's getting the
proper balance of micro-minerals, vits and protein.
(people who don't utilize the Bcomplex vits, or are imblanced,
or deficient heal slowly... and insulin resistant individuals
also heal slowly).

So,  maybe get hair, blood and urine collected together and do
mineral/vit profile.

Anyway you look at it, this horse will be a management problem.

There are Vets (in the U.S.) that'll go over the horses data
and figure out for you if the horse is lacking, or not utilizing
something correctly.


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