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Re: RC: Endurance, Barefoot - style!
> [...]
> we've been doing *all* training barefoot.
> [...]
>Tracey Ritter, Portland OR
I think it's a very good idea for people who are pushing
the barefoot idea to make sure they post where they
are from and how long they have been conditioning their
horses hooves for barefoot.
Certainly, areas like the east coast and Portland, OR /
Seattle have softer ground than other places because of
the moisture in the area and the length of time the ground
has been decaying.
There is no way I'd subject my horses to being barefoot
at our new place here in Santa Fe. There are areas in
and around Santa Fe that have more moisture and top
soil than our rugged beautiful land. Here, I have rock.
Fragmented, solid, sharp rock. Made it very interesting
to get any kind of fence up.
No way I'd expect Blue to ship out from the CA coast, (good
top soil, great moisture constant), where he's been barefoot
for the last shoeing cycle, without putting a new set of shoes
on him first. I'm worried with shoes.
Texas is a schitzophrenic state. Huge differences between
El Paso, Dallas / Fort Worth, and Houston. Houston is a lot
like the east coast with humidity, green decomposed earth,
and coastal areas. El Paso is like a lot of NM... hot, dry,
rocky. Dallas / Fort Worth is like ... Dallas / Ft. Worth. :)
If you are going to push "barefoot", please make sure you
specify what kind of ground is normal for your horse's day
in and day out living, what kind of trails you ride (gravel on
soft dirt is different than gravel on 1" hard pack over solid
rock), and what kind of surfaces you do your AERC miles on.
Kathy Myers
Santa Fe, NM
AERC # 14992
... still horseless, but hopefully only until Saturday!!!
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