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Re: RC: cancer and greys

I love to tell stories like yours, about the Tagamet to the oncologists I work with.  It always stumps them.  Unfortunately Tagamet doesn't make human melanoma go away. Why? Nobody knows.  Wouldn't it be nice if we knew why it was so effective on horse melanoma?  My grey mare has had about 4 or 5 melanomas, had a  few removed when she was having surgery for another tumor.  A new one came back in the few years since her surgery. It doesn't seem to grow much, I just watch it.    Beth

>Subject: RC: cancer and greys
>Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 17:21:42 EDT
>I have a 17 yr. old grey arab gelding who has had 3 melanomas for quite a
>while, they hadn't changed for 2 yrs., recently he started getting quite a
>few sm. ones. Some were under his mane,but mostly under his tail & all pretty
>small. My vet. told me to try Cimetidine (Tagament), I use the generic
>brands(cheaper!) Any-way, the small ones are all gone , the older ones
>haven't changed & there are no new ones!!!!! Pretty amazing!!!!

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