Tuesday morning after the ride -- my mare (which we bred, foaled here at home
and riased) is eating, drinking, and banging against her corral, ready to go
for a ride!!! To those who so intensely worked to cool her down -- and to
the hardy soul who held her IV bags FOREVER -- Thank you, thank you, thank
you --all of her blood work has come back, she has NO residual damage from
her bout of Heat Stroke -- all has returned to normal -- and her personal vet
has said -- "put her back to work!" -- unbelieveable-- yes, we'll be at
future rides, (but will DEFINITELY stay away from the humid ones --:) -- a
lot wiser, better educated (have spent all weekend researching this event)
looking forward to new challenges and adventures--Thank you again, vets,
riders and volunteers for returning my girl to me -- carol & Misty