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Norco Ride
Laurie Litwiler blkdogmom@aol.com
Just finished reading all the comments related to the Norco Ride up to
this point - and there were lots! This was my first Endurance Ride
(granted only the LD) and it was quite an experience. (And good one
Lynne!) I was very impressed with the ride management and their huge crew
of volunteers. Everyone had a great attitude and was always smiling - no
matter what was going on! Lynn does the best pre-ride meetings and was so
patient with all of us "newbies" - THANK YOU!! The unfortunate horse that
got heat stroke was trailered right next door to me and I was VERY
impressed with all the volunteers that helped pull that mare through.
What a caring bunch of people!
The ride was tough, very tough, and was very glad that my NATRC background
prepared me to take care of my horse so well (thank you Sylvia for
standing up for us!).
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