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Re: Fw: Arab Slaughter Horses etc...!
> Myrtle Creek Arabians did this in Oregon for many years (started the
horses and marketed them as endurance horses, often with a few rides under
their saddles), but it takes a really good eye to separate the wheat from
the chaff and pick prospects. There are getting to be more and more Arabs
out there with less and less potential to be functional saddle horses, sad
to say.
> Heidi
Again, it gets back to some risk....yes, it is noble and compassionate to
rescue a horse from the slaughter horse. BUT, if I was seriously looking
for an endurance horse I could top ten on.....I would not go there
looking....I would find an endurance breeder that had fed correctly,
exercised the youngsters correctly, and had all the horses on a regular
worming schedule. With the rescue horses, you have no idea if they have
internal damage from parasites.....just a thought. If I was SERIOUS about
competing, it would be worth the $ to pay a reputable breeder!
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