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Re:Norco Injury
Carla Lawson robcarla@hotmail.com
For those of you carrying vet wrap you can keep your bras on if you carry
a maxi pad tightly rolled up into the vet wrap.. or a tampon. They make
great bandage pads.. very absorbent. lightweight.I carry them for that and
little emergencies that may pop up...
Looks like now I am going to have to get a bench seat to go on my saddle
to carry my farrier, vet and trail guide. I am still looking for some good
nite vision goggles, a pack to carry my flare gun,tent, emergency
firewood,emergency matches, my antena for my ham radio, ham radio and oh I
guess I will have to carry my personal doctor. Do they have an EXTRA Heavy
weight class????
oh where am I going to carry my darn Expresso Machine?? or does this trail
have a Starbucks Coffee??
Carla (I really can't wait to ride in November!)
Ansata (Expresso Machine? I have to carry an Expresso Machine?)
Haley (yep and the tredmill that you have to trot on to power it.)
Rob (Can you run my play station off that tredmill???)
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