From: Broken Bell
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 7:18 PM
Subject: RC: cows/Carla/slaughter
If we looked at Cows as Horses and Horses as cows this would be a same
conversation right? Do I agree that there should be better transport laws. Oh YES..But give me
a break guys. It is ALL around you. 1000 years ago a horse was a precious comodity as a food
source. You can't save all the horses, You can make a better life for some that have something to offer.
I'm not going to torch you, Carla, because I do respect your opinions, however, I would like to address your comments.
We can not look at horses the same as cows. In a slaughter situation (as opposed to a riding situation), there are several key factors to a cow's ways that differ from that of a horse. When a cow gets scared, he lowers his head. When a horse gets scared, he raises his head. Cows necks are shorter than horse's necks. There is not the same variation in cows sizes that there are in horses. All adult cows are basically the same size, as opposed to an adult mini vs. an adult shetland, or an adult Welsh vs. an adult Saddlebred. This is pertinent because-------------------------------------
(warning, stop reading now if you have a weak stomach)-----------------------------------------------
I hope my tone hasn't been misinterpreted here. I also thank you for taking the time to read this. I understand this is an off-topic subject and I welcome replies via private e-mail in order not to further disturb the list, as there were some questions in this message. I apologize if my description of slaughter has offended anyone.
I'm not sure exactly what point Carla was trying to make but I just gotta say it was hysterical. The part about taking her cow in the Vet Check area, hold on, I'll find it and copy that paragraph. Here it is:
" My Cow came into hold with a pulse of 56. We went to VC and the vet had me
trot my cow out. He said she seemed a bit off in the left rear. I wanted to scream at the owner of the Cow that kicked mine. But she was nowhere to be seen. People who have Cows that kick should put red ribbons in the stupid Cows tail. Can anyone tell me what color to put in a Bulls tail?"
Folks, this is Southern humor. Damn funny, if you ask me. Southen humor endurance style. Cows in endurance. Too cool. You'd have to pick me up off the ground if I ever did see someone trotting out their cow for Otis, the vet, to evaluate.
One day I hope to meet Carla. She doesn't attend many rides, and those she does go to are a bit far for me to travel, but I'll make the time. I'll bring the beer and I'm hoping Carla brings her pizza. She's a hoot.
Howard (she was wrong about the color orange though. The only true orange is Gator orange, with a touch of blue thrown in for luck. Other than that, Carla is cool)