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Vendors at PAC--Tuend Treeless Saddles...Addendum
I <lbm@naisp.net> said:
>I ask because a Tuend saddle, true to its name, has no
>structural elements whatsoever...
>Stitched to the top of this pad is the webbing that holds
>the attachments for the stirrup leathers. I asked the
>saleslady whether one could move these stirrup attachments
>further forward or back, and she said that there was
>currently no provision for this, but that she was going
>to talk to the guys back in Italy to see if they would
>do this. There's no reason they couldn't--it is only
>a piece of webbing stitched to the pad.
I'm going to modify this statement slightly. There is,
in fact, a minimalist structural element in the saddle.
There is a strip of leather running from front to
rear to which the stirrup holder webbing is stitched.
This gives the saddle *some* forward/rear structure and
explains why the whole thing just doesn't flop over
on itself, pommel to cantle, like a blanket when you
pick it up.
But only this and nothing more...
Linda B. Merims
Massachusetts, USA
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