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too many arabians = slaughter bound horses
Stacy Olsen stacy.a.berger@intel.com
This is an emotional topic for horse lovers and for breeders. I think
anyone breeding Arabians should go to a meat auction. I have 2 well bred
(one who's sire is *Europejck and dam is *Probat daugher bred in Poland;
the other is is a son of a RHA Knight Ryder++ out of a 'aristocrat' mare).
Both are sound, solid good horses that I purchased when each was 3. The
sires of
both these horses have stud fees of $2500 and $2000 repectively, both
horses are sweepstakes nominated. They were throwaways only because they
are geldings. They were $500 each.
The only thing that will stop the Arabians going to auction is to reduce
the population of horses. Basic economics of supply/demand. Right now
there is too much supply of Arabians. I bet in 10 years there will be too
much supply of warmbloods.
20 years ago I be you never would see an Arabian in a kill lot.
Personally, I think the focus should be on humane treatment and humane
killing at the feedlots - and the breeders (small and large breeders) need
to realize/recognize that they ARE contributing to the problem, regardless
of how athletic/wonderful their horses are and that they find them all
homes. The total market is currently flooded.
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