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Re: Aussie Saddles
Tracey Ritter tracey_ritter@yahoo.com
I have an "Aussie Endurance" saddle that I have been conditioning my 5
y.o. Peruvian Paso gelding with for next year's endurance rides, and I
just love it (he seems to as well). It weighs only 16 lbs. before
fittings, offers very close contact (compared with other Aussies) with my
horse when I ride, and is comfortable without the bulkiness that I usually
associate with traditional Aussie saddles. I've been riding with it for
over a year now with continued success, and it's been great for "short
backed" gaited horses like my Peruvian. I would certainly buy one again,
as it's a pretty good value at around $600. I have since added
lightweight aluminum endurance stirrups and ride with a Supracor endurance
pad; two thumbs up on this chosen combo so far. If you would like
additional information, the I believe the saddlery's web page is:
www.kates.net, and look for their "Aussie Endurance" saddle. I hope this
is of some help to you as you continue your search.
ps: it looks much better in person than it does on their website... I was
pleasantly surprised when I opened the box and saw the nice stitching on
the seat that's otherwise difficult to see in detail on their webpage.
Best Regards,
Tracey Ritter, Portland OR
"We should have a great many fewer disputes in the world if words were
taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only, and not for things
-Locke, Essay on Human Understanding
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 09:44:09 -0500
From: "Broken Bell" <broknbel@compuwise.net>
To: <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Subject: RC: Austrailian Stock Saddle
How do Austrailain Stock Saddles do in Endurance? Are they comfortable?
I'm thinking about trying one out. They're lightweight and feel
comfortable to sit on in the store, but I'd like to know how that
translates "in the field".
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