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CA Slaughter horses

Plus, I think the price/pound gets docked if they weigh less than 1000# &
docked even more if they're grey. (cancer risk).
Of course, if the horse is stolen to begin with it's almost all profit
What I find really surprising is how many of these horses are going to
"slaughter" with their registration papers!
Nancy Mitts
I didn't want to say this, but I can't keep quiet any longer.
Those "slaughter-bound" horses that are in a "feedlot" in California are horses that are chosen by horse traders for the specific purpose of marketing to people on the internet who are interested in saving horses from slaughter.  How can there be a feedlot in a state where transport to slaughter is a felony?  And, if it really was a feedlot, why aren't these so-called "rescuers" gathering evidence to put these felons behind bars?
I asked this question just after Proposition 6 (the law that made transport to slaugher across state lines in CA a felony) & was told in very angry words by the Arabian Horse Rescue Network that if she and Gail Garrett of TIER reported these individuals, it would end the good relationship they had between themselves and the "feedlot" owners (who are actually just savvy horse traders who've found a great way to market thier "product").  Leonard and Slim, the two main traders, know what sells, and they know people wanting to rescue horses will go for a papered horse faster than they will an unpapered horse, and they can ask more for it.
Who knows how many of these beautiful, papered (& non-papered) Arabs would wind up in the "feedlot" in the first place if they didn't have "dedicated rescuers" waiting to sell them on the internet.

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