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Re: RC: Those Damn Generators

Hi Howard

BOY, do I know how you feel.  I was actually somewhat shocked the first time 
or two  I experienced this - I expected somebody to DO something  :-).   What 
kind of an outdoor experience is this, walking along, smelling petrochemicals 
and listening to engines???  Yuck.  But the fact is, most folks aren't going 
to give up our/their creature comforts, and they're mostly not going to pay 
hundreds of dollars so that others won't be inconvenienced, either.  I hate 
the generators.   Wish the ride managers would relegate them to one area.  (I 
can just see it: there is the Dog Area, the No Dog Area, The Generator Area, 
the No Generator Area, Generators w/Dogs, Generators w/o Dogs.........  :-)))

I'll tell you what has partly changed my mind, though.  (I don't use a 
generator BTW.)   These days, it seems as if most of the ride camps I visit 
are virtually huge parking lots full of rigs, not a camping experience 
anyhow.   It's true, the "parking lot" is dirt, i.e. a field, and it may have 
pretty scenery surrounding, but by the time everybody gets set up it is 
wall-to-wall vehicles.  Wouldn't seem like aesthetically enjoyable camping to 
me anyhow, because you can't walk 25 feet in any direction w/o being in 
someone else's "campsite".   So I just changed my mind set - I don't think of 
the Ride Camp as camping anymore.   Then when I get to a ride site that is 
different (like Cuneo Creek) I'm just thrilled.   Good luck in your mission 
about this.

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