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West Nile Virus and EPM vaccine questions
Hey all.
Local vet has put a bug in the barn owner's and fellow boarder's ears (the
boarder works for the vet) about a vaccine. They both are worked up and
wonder if they should vaccinate their horses. I'm the computer geek of the
bunch, so I volunteered to research and ask questions.
So, I researched. I couldn't come up with anything that makes me want to
poke more needles into my mare. Anyone else heard anything about these
vaccines? I am in Ohio where WNV has been identified in one crow up in the
northeast corner of the state.
Also, can anyone help me out with reasons why feed with antibiotics in it
should not be provided? I need some help polishing the speech I give
whenever I see that bag of feed come out of hiding for a horse with the nose
snots or a little cough.
Thanks in advance!
Deanna in Ohio (personally, I think a healthy horse with a good fitness
program and good feed has the best defenses against pathogens)
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