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Dear Lauren and Allen,

Oh my,  I did not realize folks thought that.  If you sit on a horse
bareback, you will find that the natural place is right behind the
withers, and your legs hang under you.  The Boz saddle has a seat that is
flat in front; actually, he puts a slight rise in the back of the seat
area to keep you sitting forward, in the natural bareback position.  If
you can sit a horse bareback, not using reins or stirrups for balance,
you will like the Boz.  It is not too much different from a dressage
saddle at all. I feel, when I am sitting in a County, or Keiffer, or
Pessoa dressage saddle, or bareback, the same way I feel in a Boz. Most
other saddles make me feel as if I am in the rumble seat, or at least the
back seat.   Please do not confuse a forward seat with LEANING forward; 
You sit tall in the saddle, vertical and in balance.  Renie Burnett 

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