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The old zig-zag problem
I have heard some people complain about this before, but don't remember
the responses. What is the best way to teach your horse that spooking
and zig-zagging your way down the trail, while trotting or cantering, is
not the thing to do? I'm so sick of it. Trotting isn't so bad...it
gets worse at the canter. I have to constantly use my legs on my mare's
sides to correct her whenever she jumps to one side or another. I feel
I can never relax while going down the trail. This mare is 10, so she's
not a greenie!
I long so much for a nice, long, lope on a loose rein without having to
expect a jump to the side every few seconds. Arrghhh! She hasn't
unseated me yet, but it doesn't make for a nice ride! We must look
hilarious to the people behind us.
She will respond immediately to my leg to straighten her back out, but
it doesn't solve the problem. Should I give her a smack or yell "QUIT"
at her when she does it, or what?
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