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Re: Discussion Question

Dear Barbara,

Your discussion about turning to LD riding when getting older made me 
remember a ride experience that made me smile.  I was a volunteer working at 
a ride in Jackpot, NV a few years back and was in base camp as most of the 25 
milers came in.

Two ladies sat down near the finish line after putting their horses away and 
were drinking sodas.  One of them knocked hers over and said, "Dang."  She 
then paused and said with a grin, "But at least it wasn't whiskey!"  

The other nudged me and asked me to guess how old her girlfriend was.  I 
guessed that she was 75.  She said, "Wrong!  She is 91."  

They both smiled and then the second lady told me that her own age was 88! 

And at another ride, I remember seeing Arlene Morris tumble down a hill with 
her horse on a 100.  I am not sure how old Arlene was at the time (forgive me 
Bob), but I watched her get back on and kinda lurch in the saddle and then go 
on to win the 100 and take BC!

What role models for endurance!

I hope we all get to ride as long as we can.

Tish Stoots
Bozeman MT

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