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Riding as a Team

We have hashed this concept over and over again.  Yet, it seems the 
leadership in the AERC International cannot grasp such simple logic. 
Train as a team, and then go over and race as a team.  To expect to 
put together a team after the horses have left the main land is pure 
Other countries are taking the lead in developing a team and team 
strategies.  Wonder how long it will take for us to catch up, and 
then go out and spank our competition.  Jerry 

From: goearth 
To: Ridecamp 
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 9:53 PM
Subject: RC: Riding as a Team

I know this one will set some stuff off but here goes.  I think 
riding horses as a team, especially young horses, takes the strain 
and emotional toil off them.  They do better IMO when they have 
leaders to follow being herd animals.  I use as an example the French 
and how they rode as a Team and their success at the last WEC in 
France.  I also use as an example the way Potato rode w/ his 3 horses 
w/ the young one in the center all day on the Tevis and the center 
young horse got BC. If we as a Nation would do this i am convinced we 
would some day win a Team Gold.  But in the past its been everyone in 
the lead for themselves and searching for individual glory. I speak 
this because i was on the only USA Team along w/ Jeannie Waldron, 
Mike Marino and Victoria Varley  to win Gold in Europe in 1987. Tho 
we have done well as Individuals that Team remains to this day the 
only FEI Team Gold won by this Nation abroad. tom sites

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