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Fwd: RC: A Sad State of Affairs

In a message dated 8/15/01 11:10:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
I put my name and phone number on everything.  It is either sewn on or
embroidered or liquid paint so if someone does get it by "mistake" it can be
returned or if it is stolen the person will have a lot of explaining to do if
anyone sees it!  And I do mean everything that can be picked up and walked
off with.

SHOULD be horribly ashamed as should whoever took the helmet, those who cut
trail, those who abuse their horses on trail - etc.

---- Begin included message ----
I don't know - someone picked up our horse's cooler at Hog Wild this year -
apparently in the space of about 20 minutes - and we never saw it again - a
cream color Irish sweat sheet with blue trim and 3 red initials on the side.
Sigh! I can't replace it - and I am really ashamed for whoever took it. They
SHOULD be horribly ashamed as should whoever took the helmet, those who cut
trail, those who abuse their horses on trail - etc.
---- End included message ----

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