A great example of how horse enthusiasts can be powerful and effective
advocates for sustained access to trails occurred in Harrisburg, PA on
Friday, Aug 17th.
Pete Johnson the state trail chairman for the PA. Equine Council was
fighting a lonely battle with little support. Burn out made him think about
throwing in the towel when Debbie called him about the Game land issue.
They joined forces and organized a protest rally at the Games Commission.
Headquarters. This was not just for horse riders. They invited bikers and
ATV's to join us. We met at a site about a mile from the Game Lands
Headquarters for a march there to present our views. There were three TV
networks and the press from several newspapers covering the march.
We formed an impressive line with 108 riders, 2x2, a carriage and the very
best group of pooper-scoopers in the world. Bringing up the rear on clean
pavement were the bikers and ATV's. The finest of PA's state troopers did the
traffic control. The game land personnel came out to talk with Pete and
Debbie while we made an orderly group of friendly trail users. The media
recorded this. There was a march back to the parking area followed by a
short meeting and a lot of "thanks"
There were few endurance riders-BUT there was the real strength of us trail
users. The backyard riders, your next door neighbor biker and ATV users
joining together for a common goal. This was an impressive demonstration of
our collective commitment and responsibility. Not only did this event
influence the policy makers, it also gave all of us hope about the promise of
what we can accomplish together. Debbie you stand tall! You earned the
right. We have our sleeves rolled up and we won't give up!
There are lots of well-organized efforts that are limiting our access to
trails everyday. If you think that trails will be available for our future
without our work, advocacy, collaboration and planning - wake up and smell
the coffee. This is not going to happen by itself. Riders who want a future
for their sport will need to journey down the path of activism and become a
part of the solution.