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riding safety

Tami Keller
I'm with you about the drinking and riding stuff!
I just guit a saddle club I help start 8 years ago,  because the drinking
going on. At frist there was little drinking, and then it was only at
meetings. So when they started drinking on the rides, I just stopped going
to the rides, as the few as there were and dull anyway, did matter much.
But the last straw was at the big yearly meeting last winter they voted to
have the club pay for the boze (they made a list as what to get so
everyone could have thier drink:() at all rides and meeting! Well I don't
pay dues for that and I don't write news letters anymore either! In the
last news letter I wrote I said "Weather a person drinks or no is up to
them, but drinking and riding don't mix. More so when there are minors
along. And I was no longer writing the newsletter." Last time a talked to
a member, she said they still have no news letter(asked me to come back
and write it HA), but still have thier boze at every meeting. And have
even fewer rides, Gee, that must mean they had none last summer they  had
only 1.
Tami (just ridding:))

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