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Eastern High Sierra Classic

You can find the photos from yesterdays ride here:

I have photos up from last years ride too, in case anybody wants to see 
more of the trail:

The ride was really nice, as usual.  Jackie had a pretty good turnout.  I 
think there were 95 riders on the 50 and a fair amount (40ish?) in the 30 
miler.  Somebody else probably knows more about the end results.  There 
were 4 vets, Jamie Kerr being the head vet, and lots of p&r and 
number/timer checkers.  The trail was marked really well and the dinner was 
really great too.

It was kind of weird, to pack up and go to a one day ride.  I had to keep 
resisting the urge to pack a huge amount of stuff.   I had to go though, 
for the horse of course.  This was Weav's first 50 seven years ago and he's 
done it every year since.  We couldn't miss it, afterall he had three weeks 
from when the XP ended (he was very bored).  He loves the trail and I sure 
enjoy riding him on it.  I sponsored a couple of friends.  One didn't make 
it all the way, he got pulled at 45 miles. :+(  The other one had her horse 
flip over.  She landed on her back, and the horse landed on his 
was a close call!   She finished tho.  Before the ride I had talked both of 
them into getting helmets from the vendors there at the ride.  I am glad 
they did!

A few riders received the Fire Mt. Horse Excellence Award this year.  You 
get that for doing all 4 days (200 miles) of Death Valley, the 20 Mule Team 
100 and the EHSC 50 on the same horse.  This years recipients are:  Jamie 
Mitchell (on Lancelot who also did 1,000 miles on the XP), Heather 
Hackworth, Randy Coleman, Melissa Ribley and Robert 
Ribley.  Congratulations on a job well done!

Anybody that did the ride and wants to rate it, go 
here:  (you can do this for any ride you've ridden 
too).  Under search, type in the name of the ride.  If enough people do it, 
then others can look and get an idea of what a particular ride is like.

Happy Trails,

in NV
& Rocky, 4,330 miles
& Weaver, 4,420 miles

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